Left Atrium plactics During correction of Mitral Valve Deasease
plasty of left atrium, mitral valve replacement
Objective is to determined possibillities of left atrium (LA)`s plasty (LAR) during mitral valve replacement (MVR). During 1.01.1996 – 1.01. 2018 yy.704 adult patients (pts) were operated with MVD and dilatation of LA at Institute. MVR were performed in the most pts. LAR including ligation of LA`s auriculum was performed in 522 pts (group A) and in other 182 pts only MVR (group B). All operations were performed with cardiopulmonary bypass and moderate hypothermia with crystalloid cardioplegia. There were 9 deaths at the hospital period (hospital mortality (HM) – 1,7%) (group A). Plasty of LA during isolated MVR was allowing to improve LA`s morphometry during postoperative period comparing with group B (p<0,05).
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7. Popov VV. Triangular plasty of left atrium for atriomegaly during mitral valve replacement. J Cardiovasc Surg. 2016;57(suppl 2):29.
2. Podchasov DA. Plastika levogo predserdiya pri poroke mitralnogo klapana [dissertation]. Moskva; 2005. 121 s. (In Russian).
3. Pribytkov MV. Otdalennye rezultaty odnomomentnoj hirurgicheskoj korrekcii fibrillyacii predserdij i revmaticheskogo mitralnogo poroka [dissertation].Tomsk; 2004. 145 s. (In Russian).
4. Raskin VV. Atrioplastika levogo predserdiya u bolnyh s mitralnym porokom serdca [dissertation]. Moskva; 2006. 97 s. (In Russian).
5. Lazorishinec VV, Knyshov GV, Popov VV. Lechenie mitralnyh porokov serdca, oslozhnennyh fibrillyaciej predserdij. Kiev; 2014; 101 s. (In Russian).
6. Prabhu S, McLellan AJ, Walters TE, Sharma M, Voskoboinik A, Kistler PM. Atrial structure and function and its implications for current and emerging treatments for atrial fibrillation. Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 2015;58:152–67.
7. Popov VV. Triangular plasty of left atrium for atriomegaly during mitral valve replacement. J Cardiovasc Surg. 2016;57(suppl 2):29.
How to Cite
Popov VV, Spysarenko SP, Malysheva TA, Lazorishinetz VV. Left Atrium plactics During correction of Mitral Valve Deasease. ujcvs [Internet]. 2018Sep.17 [cited 2025Feb.23];(3 (32):41-3. Available from: http://cvs.org.ua/index.php/ujcvs/article/view/49