Editorial board does not charge for the publication, reviewing, editing, article text approval and provision of DOI. By sending an article all authors agree with the statements above.
Interested in submitting to the Journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the Journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.
The Journal accepts articles in Ukrainian, English and Russian for publication.
Manuscript submissions should conform to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals elaborated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors which are available at ICMJE.org.
Submitted articles will be subject to double-blind peer review process.
Please prepare your manuscript carefully to minimize correcting.
Plagiarism. It is not acceptable to use adopted text and study results which are not owned by the authors of the manuscript. An article may be checked for its originality using the services https://advego.com/antiplagiat/ (for texts in Russian) and http://plagiarisma.net/ (for texts in English). Editorial board has the right to check accepted manuscripts for plagiarism. Text similarity of above 30% is not acceptable.
Manuscript text format. Use Microsoft Word format (file extension *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf). The text should conform to bibliographic and stylistic requirements. Use Times New Roman, font size 14 pt, line spacing 1.5 lines. Page margins should be 2 cm from each side. The text should contain references to all the figures, diagrams and tables.
It is essential to send the article to the editorial staff by e-mail. Editorial board will verify and approve the article for publication. Other accompanying documents (accompanying letter from the directorship of the institution where the investigation took place, declaration of conflict of interests, author’s contract, declaration of ethical practices during the study) may be sent to the editorial staff as scan-copies. Please e-mail the above to cvs-herald@ukr.net.
By the fact of submitting the manuscript for publication, the author transfers the Editor’s rights to the Publisher. This means that without the written permission of the publisher they may not publish the article in whole or in part in other journals and other publications or digital media.
The articles written in non-English should contain:
- English and Ukrainian translation of the title,
- abstract and keywords in English and in Ukrainian (150-250 words each). Keywords must not duplicate the title.
The articles written in English should contain:
- Ukrainian translation of the title,
- abstract and keywords in Ukrainian (150-250 words). Keywords must not duplicate the title.
— The article title (in English, Ukrainian and original language).
— Full names of all authors (in Latin transliteration, in Ukrainian and original language), scientific degrees, positions, authors’ affiliation. It is recommended to indicate their full names according to their own scientific profiles or use http://translit.kh.ua/?tkpn#passport Website for transliteration.
— Official name of the institution where each author works (in English, Ukrainian and original language). If there are several authors, a numerical index is then placed near each surname according to the institution. If all authors work at one institution, there is no need to indicate the place of work of each author, and it is enough to name the institution once.
— Contact information for correspondence.
Abstract. The abstract is prepared in English, Ukrainian and original language. The author’s abstract to the article is the main source of information in the systems and databases which index the journal. The abstract should be written in good English! The abstract should contain 150-250 words. Abstracts of reviews, lectures, discussion articles are prepared in arbitrary form.
The abstract of original article should be structured and include: background (include relevance and aim of the study), materials and methods, results, conclusions.
Keywords. Keywords (2 to 5 words) in Ukrainian and in English should be placed at the end of the abstract. Keywords must not duplicate the title.
The article text (in Ukrainian, Russian and English) is structured as follows: introduction (the topic relevance), aim, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusions.
References. In the list of references all the sources are written in a new line and numbered.
All the references appear in the list in the same order as in the text (not in the alphabetical order).
The quantity of references is up to 15 for lectures and original studies, up to 45 for literature reviews. The precedence should be given to the articles written in the last 5–7 years.
In the text of the article the reference to the source is given in square brackets using the Arabic numerals.
All authors must be listed in bibliographical description. The article title cannot be abbreviated. Abbreviations for the names of English-language medical journals should be listed in accordance with Medline database catalogue. Domestic journal names cannot be abbreviated.
Reference list must concord with the Vancouver style. Owing to that, Cyrillic references must be additionally translated into Latinic (English or transliteration).
Use BGN/PCGN (United States Board on Geographic Names/Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use) standard recommended by international publisher Oxford University Press as "British Standard" for transliteration.
Important. No less than 50% of the sources (bibliography) should have DOI (Digital Object Identifier), the sources (bibliography) should contain at least 50% of Scopus Journals references.
Minimize and try to avoid self-citing.
Technical specifications
Tables must have numerated heading and clear understandable lines. References to the tables in the text are mandatory.
Figures (diagrams and schemes designed with MS Office) must be contrast and clear.
Other non-depicted illustrations should be downloaded separately as *.tif, *.jpg (jpeg), *.bmp, *.gif files. Resolution of each photo or picture should be no less than 300 dpi. References to the figures in the text are mandatory.
Abbreviations. All used abbreviations must be expanded in notes to the tables and figures with an indication of statistical criteria and statistical variability parameters (standard deviation, standard error of the mean etc.). Statistical significance/insignificance of the data discrepancy should be marked with the symbols *, **, #, ## etc.
The authors of the articles are fully responsible for the contents of articles, the credibility of data, facts, quotations, level of self-dependence of obtained results.