Radiofrequency catheter ablation of non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

  • A. Doronin Ukrainian National Medical Postgraduate Academy (Kyiv)
  • Y. Suslina Ukrainian Children’s Cardiac Center (Kyiv)
  • A. Riznyk Ukrainian Children’s Cardiac Center (Kyiv)
  • V. Khanenova Ukrainian Children’s Cardiac Center (Kyiv)
  • Y. Marushko Ukrainian Children’s Cardiac Center (Kyiv)
  • M. Meshkova Ukrainian Children’s Cardiac Center (Kyiv)
Keywords: atrial fibrillation, catheter ablation, fragmented electrograms


In this article we analyzed our own experience of non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) catheter ablations by conventional 4 mm tip non-irrigated catheters. The results of 120 primary sequential procedures are studied. Persistent form of AF was observed in 93 (77.5%) patients, long-standing persistent – in 27 (22.5%). The average time of X-ray exposure was 32.1±8.1 minutes, the number of applications was 109.4±19.4, the duration of the procedure was 2.7±0.6 hours. In 1 (0.8%) patient after the intervention there was an atrial tachycardia, in 1 (0.8%) – left atrial flutter. The recurrence of AF occurred in 34 (28.3%) patients. The sinus rhythm was preserved during the first year after ablation without the use of antiarrhythmic drugs in 80 (66.7%) patients. With the antiarrhythmic drugs administration we were able to maintain a sinus rhythm or make arrhythmia attacks rare in 23 (19.2%) patients. Thus, a positive effect of ablation was obtained in 103 (85.8%) patients. So, we can conclude that this ablation technique is quite effective in non-paroxysmal forms of AF.


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How to Cite
Doronin A, Suslina Y, Riznyk A, Khanenova V, Marushko Y, Meshkova M. Radiofrequency catheter ablation of non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. ujcvs [Internet]. 2018May14 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2 (31):106-8. Available from:

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