Use of the autopericardial valve conduit in a infants in surgical correction of the common arterial trunk (case report)

  • R. Lekan Odessa National Medical University; Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital
  • V. Buzovskiy Odessa National Medical University; Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital
  • V. Bosenko Odessa National Medical University; Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital
  • I. Pengrina Odessa National Medical University; Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital
  • I. Lekan Odessa National Medical University; Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital
  • A. Popsuiko Odessa National Medical University; Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital
  • O. Rudometkin Odessa National Medical University; Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital
  • I. Buriachenko Odessa National Medical University; Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital
  • N. Zhekov Odessa National Medical University; Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital
Keywords: common arterial trunk, radical correction, auto-pericardial valve conduit, infant


There was operated a newborn had common arterial trunk at the cardiosurgery department of Odessa Regional Children Hospital in august 2015. It was made outflow tract reconstruction of the right ventricle by personally prepared autopericardial valve conduit, diameter and a length of this one 12mm x 55 mm.

In the long term, 6 months later, it notes satisfactory condition with good hemodynamic parameters of functioning of the valve conduit, maximum systolic gradient is 20 mm Hg. There is no regurgitation on the valve and no reshunt on VSD. It is insignificant regurgitation on the aortic valve.


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How to Cite
Lekan R, Buzovskiy V, Bosenko V, Pengrina I, Lekan I, Popsuiko A, Rudometkin O, Buriachenko I, Zhekov N. Use of the autopericardial valve conduit in a infants in surgical correction of the common arterial trunk (case report). ujcvs [Internet]. 2016Dec.2 [cited 2025Feb.18];(3 (26):107-8. Available from: