Publishing ethics

Publishing Ethics of the Journal

The publisher of the Journal shares and supports Elsevier publishing policy (

The publisher acknowledges that publishing ethics compliance tracking is one of the main components of peer reviewing and publication, and is the responsibility of the editor-in-chief of the journal. The editorial staff sustains guidelines developed by Elsevier publishing house to assist editors, peer reviewers and authors in their duty. In addition, the publisher works in close rapport with other publishers to implement accepted standards of publishing ethics.

These guidelines are based on Elsevier's current principles of publishing ethics.

Responsibilities of the Journal Editor

The Decision to Publish the Article

The journal editor is responsible for deciding which of the papers submitted to the editorial office should be published.

This decision should always be made on the basis of verifying the paper plausibility and its importance for researchers and readers. The editor is committed to the guidance developed by the editorial board of the journal as well as the legal requirements for the prevention of slander, infringement of copyright and plagiarism. When deciding whether to publish the paper, the editor may consult with other editors or peer reviewers.


The journal editor evaluates the submitted papers, takes into account only their scientific value and intellectual content and does not take into account the author's race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, citizenship or political views.


The journal editor and the editorial board (council) staff should not disclose the manuscript information to anyone other than the author, peer reviewers, potential reviewers, editorial board consultants, and publisher.

Information Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Unpublished information disclosed in the submitted paper should not be used in any of the editor’s papers without written permission of the author. Confidential information or ideas received during review should be kept private and not used for personal gain.

The editor must refrain from participating in the peer reviewing if there is a conflict of interest arising from competition, cooperation or other relationship with any of the authors, companies or institutions relevant to the article.

The editor should require of all journal authors to provide information about competing interests and publish corrections if a conflict of interest has been discovered after publication. If necessary, refutation or expression of concern may be published.

Complaints and Appeals

Professional Edition Eastern Europe follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines on appeals to journal editor decisions and complaints about a journal's editorial management of the peer review process.

Authors and readers have the right to address their appeals to the editorial office of the Journal. Complaints and appeals are studied by the editorial office during 1 month period. The results of complaints viewing are sent to the applicant in the written form.

The editorial office studies only appeals in which there are claims concerning violation of ethical norms by the Journal authors, reviewers, editors. Complaints and appeals concerning the manuscript rejection because of low scientific level are not studied as the editorial office of the Journal is exclusively competent to solve this problem.

We are also ready to consider appeals in case they are not anonymous and substantiated.

Where you, as an author, wish to comment on aspects of the journal's editorial management please submit an email to the Ukrainian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery editorial office: .

Responsibilities of Peer Reviewers

Peer reviews help the editor to make editorial decisions and can assist the author in improving the article. Reviewing is an important component of formal scientific communication and is the basis of the scientific method.

The publisher shares the opinion of Elsevier that all scholars who want to submit papers for publication commit themselves to reviewing other papers in this area.


Any selected peer reviewer who feels that he does not have appropriate qualifications for peer reviewing of the material or who knows that he will not be able to prepare a response quickly must promptly notify the editor and exclude himself/herself from the review process.


Any manuscripts received for consideration should be treated as confidential documents. They should not be displayed to or discussed with third parties, except as per the editor's permission.

Standards of Objectivity

Peer reviews should be given objectively. Personal criticism of the author is inadmissible. Peer reviewers should express their views clearly and reasonably.

Confirmation of Sources

Reviewers should identify relevant published works that were not named by the authors. Any statement, observation, opinion, or argument previously reported should be accompanied by an appropriate quotation. The peer reviewer should also draw the editor’s attention to any significant similarity or intersection between the manuscript he examined and/or any other published work that is known to them.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Unpublished materials should not be used in a peer reviewer’s own research without the written consent of the author. Priority information or ideas received during the review should be confidential and not used for personal purposes. Reviewers should not handle the manuscripts with which they have a conflict of interest as a result of competitive, cooperative or other relationships or relations with any of the authors, companies or organizations associated with the paper.

Responsibilities of the Authors

Reporting Standards

The authors of original research papers should provide an accurate report on the work performed, as well as objective discussion of its significance. The basic data should be clearly represented in the article. The article should contain enough details and links to allow others to reproduce the research. Fraudulent or deliberately inaccurate statements are unethical behavior and are inappropriate.

Reviews should also be accurate and unprejudiced.

Data Access and Storage

At the request of the editorial staff, authors should, if possible, provide the source data for peer review, and should be ready to provide public access to this data (in accordance with the ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases) and in any case should be ready to store such data within a reasonable time after publication.

Originality and Plagiarism

The authors must ensure that they have written the original work, and if the authors used the work and/or the words of other authors, this should be duly cited or indicated in the references.

Plagiarism has many forms: from usurpation of someone else's work to copying or re-phrasing much of another work (without specifying authorship) to usurp the results of someone else's research. Plagiarism in all its forms is unethical and unacceptable.

Multiple, Redundant or Parallel Publications

The author should not publish manuscripts that essentially describe the same study in more than one journal. Submitting a manuscript to more than one journal at the same time is unethical behavior and is unacceptable.

The author should not submit for consideration the works previously published in another journal. Publication of some types of papers (for example, translations) in more than one journal is sometimes justified if certain conditions are met. The authors and editors of the relevant journals must agree with the secondary publication, which should reflect the same data and interpretation as those in the original article. The references to the original article should also be quoted in the secondary publication.

Indication of References

The papers of other authors should always be specified. The authors should indicate publications that had a significant impact on the nature of the work. Information obtained through confidential services, such as manuscript review or grant applications, should not be used without the written permission of the author of the work associated with these services.


Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the concept, design, execution or interpretation of the research. Anyone who has made a significant contribution should be listed as co-authors. If there are other individuals who have participated in some essential aspects of the research project, they should be listed in acknowledgement or listed as co-authors.

The author who submits the paper should ensure that all relevant co-authors are included in the article and that the co-authors approve the final version of the article and agree to submit it for publication.

Hazards and Living Objects

If the work involves chemicals, procedures and equipment having any unusual hazards, then the author must clearly indicate these in the manuscript. If the work involves the use of animals or humans as an object, the author must ensure that the manuscript contains a statement that all procedures have been performed in accordance with laws and institutional principles and that they have been approved by the relevant institutional committee. Authors should include in the manuscript a statement that informed consent for experiments with human objects was received. Human rights must always be respected.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

All authors should disclose in their manuscripts any financial or other conflict of interest that may affect the results or interpretation of their work. All sources of financial support for the project implementation should be disclosed.

Examples of potential conflicts of interest that must be disclosed: counseling, share ownership, fees, paid expertise, patent applications, as well as grants or other funding. Potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed at the earliest stage.

Fundamental Mistakes in Published Articles

When an author reveals an essential error or inaccuracy in his own published work, he must promptly inform the journal editor or publisher and collaborate with the editor to remove or correct the article. If the editor or publisher learns from a third party that the published article contains essential errors, the author must promptly refrain from publication or correct the article or provide proof of correctness of the original article.

Plagiarism Reveal

Editorial Board assumes responsibility to promote the scientific community in all aspects of publishing ethics, especially in cases of suspicious duplicate submission or plagiarism.

Data sharing and reproducibility

We are committed to facilitating openness, transparency and reproducibility of research. We support and encourage research data to be shared, discoverable, citable, and recognized as an intellectual product of value.

Research data refers to units of information collected, observed, generated, or created to validate original research findings. Data may be numerical, descriptive, aural, or visual. We encourages authors, where relevant, and subject to ethical and legal considerations, to openly share, cite, and link to their research data.

The authors may be asked to provide raw data for editorial review. They should be prepared to provide public access to such data, if possible, and in any case should be prepared to retain such materials for a reasonable period of time after their publication.


The Journal does not charge a fee for submitting a paper and peer reviewing.