Surgical treatment of newborns with critical aortic coarctation

  • R. Y. Lekan Odessa national medical university; Odessa children hospital
  • V. P. Buzovskyi Odessa national medical university; Odessa children hospital
  • I. E. Buriachenko Odessa national medical university; Odessa children hospital
  • V. I. Bosenko Odessa national medical university; Odessa children hospital
  • I. R. Lekan Odessa national medical university; Odessa children hospital
  • A. V. Popsuyko Odessa national medical university; Odessa children hospital
  • O. V. Rudomiotkin Odessa national medical university; Odessa children hospital
  • A. I. Tomak Odessa national medical university; Odessa children hospital
Keywords: newborns, CoA, VSD, SV, bending PA


In the period from 2004 to 2016 in the department of cardiovascular surgery Odessa Regional Pediatric Hospital were operated on 68 patients with critical CoA: 22 (32.4%) infants with isolated CoA, 16 (23%) patients CoA combined with interventricular septum defect (VSD), 31 patients (45.5%) – CoA combined with distal aortic arch hypoplasia (D?A) and other intracardiac abnormality. 66 (97%) patients underwent surgery well. Them died with 3%.


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How to Cite
Lekan, R. Y., Buzovskyi, V. P., Buriachenko, I. E., Bosenko, V. I., Lekan, I. R., Popsuyko, A. V., Rudomiotkin, O. V., & Tomak, A. I. (2016). Surgical treatment of newborns with critical aortic coarctation. Ukrainian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, (3 (26), 73-75. Retrieved from