Simultaneous Operations in Cardiac Surgery

  • O. Nykonenko Zaporozhye Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • V. Osaulenko Zaporozhye Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • Ye. Yermolayev Zaporozhye Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • A. Nykonenko Zaporozhye State Medical University
  • S. Nakonechnyi Zaporozhye Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • O. Ponomarenko Zaporizhzhya Regional Clinical Hospital (Zaporizhia)
  • R. Taran Zaporizhzhya Regional Clinical Hospital (Zaporizhia)
  • D. Lashtabega Zaporizhzhya Regional Clinical Hospital (Zaporizhia)
Keywords: simultaneous operations, carotid endarterectomy, cancer, coronary artery bypass grafting, carotid stenting


The combination of heart disease with a competing surgical pathology is becoming more common, which requires a specific approach to the order of their correction. Generalized clinical experience in simultaneous operations at both the heart and carotid arteries, and the heart with cancer surgical interventions. It is shown a safety of simultaneous interventions: the first stage of carotid endarterectomy, carotid stenting in case – for 7–12 days before surgical correction of heart disease, as well as operations cancer surgical second stage.


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How to Cite
Nykonenko O, Osaulenko V, Yermolayev Y, Nykonenko A, Nakonechnyi S, Ponomarenko O, Taran R, Lashtabega D. Simultaneous Operations in Cardiac Surgery. ujcvs [Internet]. 2016May16 [cited 2025Feb.23];(1 (24):119-21. Available from: