Humoral reactivity to Hsp60, miosyn and Sgt1 of the sera of newborns with complex congenital heart defect

  • G. М. Vorobyova Ukrainian Children’s Cardiac Center (Kyiv)
  • L. F. Yakovenko Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv)
  • Y. V. Tkachenko Ukrainian Children’s Cardiac Center (Kyiv)
  • V. I. Bobyk Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv)
  • L. L. Sidoryk Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv)
Keywords: anti-Hsp60 antibodies, antibodies to miosyn, anti-Sgt1 antibodies, autologic umbilical cord blood, complex congenital heart defect


Currently, many cardiac biomarkers are used in the clinic, including natriuretic peptides and troponins, and many others are under development. The expediency of determining levels of antibodies against heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60) in serum as a safety and effectiveness marker of the autologous cord blood usage in cardiac surgery of infants with the critical congenital heart defect was shown.

Purpose. A comparative study of humoral reactivity to Hsp60, myosin, and Sgt1 of infant’s serum with critical congenital heart disease, which received the transfusion of autologous cord blood or donor blood components during surgical correc-tion of congenital heart.

Materials and methods. 102 infants with transposition of great arteriies were studied: group 1 – 42 patients who received the transfusion of autologous cord blood during the surgery; group 2 – 48 patients who received the transfusion of donor blood components during the surgery. The control group included 21 clinically healthy newborns. The level of IgG antibodies against Hsp60, human myosin, and Sgt1 in serum was determined by ELISA.

Results. It was observed that levels of anti-Hsp60 and anti-Sgt1 antibodies did not increase, but rather decrease in the early postoperative period in patients of group 1. In group 2 patients in the early postoperative period revealed increasing levels of anti-Hsp60 antibody and anti-Sgt1 antibodies in 12,5% (6/48) of cases. In the remote postoperative period, elevated levels of anti-Hsp60 and anti-Sgt1 antibodies were identified only in patients with a congenital defect, which received the blood transfusion of donor’s blood components during surgical correction while antibodies against myosin we detected equally in patients of both groups (22,2% (6/27) and 23,3 % (7/30) respectively).

Conclusion. In the remote postoperative period (2 years), elevated levels of anti-Hsp60 and anti-Sgt1 antibodies were identified only in patients with congenital heart defect, which received the transfusion of donor blood components during surgical correction. The use of donor blood components in a newborn with a congenital heart defect during the surgery, as opposed to autologous cord blood can lead to the development of autoimmune processes in the patient in the remote period after surgery.


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How to Cite
VorobyovaGМ, Yakovenko LF, Tkachenko YV, Bobyk VI, Sidoryk LL. Humoral reactivity to Hsp60, miosyn and Sgt1 of the sera of newborns with complex congenital heart defect. ujcvs [Internet]. 2017Dec.4 [cited 2025Mar.7];(3 (29):75-9. Available from: