Effects of Cytokines on Prognosis of Postoperative Complications in Children after Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery

  • L. V. Moshkivska National M. M. Amosov Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
  • S. G. Khemio Arnes National M. M. Amosov Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
  • O. Ya. Bespalova National M. M. Amosov Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
  • E. A. Nastenko National M. M. Amosov Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
  • O. K. Nosovets National M. M. Amosov Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
  • A. S. Golovenko National M. M. Amosov Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
  • V. V. Lazorishinetz National M. M. Amosov Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: cytokines, complications, congenital heart diseases, cardiopulmonary bypass


The current work is dedicated to the analysis of cytokines effects on the prognosis of the severity and the amount of postoperative complications in children after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery (CPB). The frequency of complications was calculated and a direct correlation between the level of cytokines and the development of postoperative complications was established for patients undergoing cardiac surgery.


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How to Cite
Moshkivska, L. V., Khemio Arnes, S. G., Bespalova, O. Y., Nastenko, E. A., Nosovets, O. K., Golovenko, A. S., & Lazorishinetz, V. V. (2016). Effects of Cytokines on Prognosis of Postoperative Complications in Children after Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery. Ukrainian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, (1 (24), 79-82. Retrieved from https://cvs.org.ua/index.php/ujcvs/article/view/274