The first experience of using synthetic Antithrombin-III (Athenativ) in cardiosurgical practice

  • V. Dehtiar Ukrainian Children’s Cardiac Center (Kyiv)
  • O. Boichenko Ukrainian Children’s Cardiac Center (Kyiv)
  • V. Zhovnir Ukrainian Children’s Cardiac Center (Kyiv)
  • N. Chanhli Ukrainian Children’s Cardiac Center (Kyiv)
Keywords: antithrombin-III, cardiopulmonary bypass, heparin, activated coagulation time


Nowadays, the main share of heart surgery performed under artificial circulation, accompanied by a violation of hemostasis. Deficit antithrombin III is 0.02–1% of the population. The main clinical manifestation of deficiency of antithrombin III is thrombosis. The work conducted its own study of communication between levels of antithrombin-III and the result of the activated clotting time during cardiopulmonary bypass in cardiac practice.

Demonstrated that the quantitative and/or qualitative deficiency of antithrombin-III results in early postoperative complications and disorders in the hemostatic system.

During 2016 at the GI «Scientific-Practical Children`s Cardiac Center» an analysis of 11 patients, average age amounted to 50,2±27,2 years. In 5 (45.4%) patients were available concomitant diseases, in 4 (36.4%) patients – infective endocarditis, in 1 (9%) – HCV. The level of antithrombin-III in the study group amounted to 87.5% in patients with existing co-morbidities – 110.4%, indicating a qualitative deficiency of antithrombin-III in patients with concomitant infectious disease. Averages activated coaghulation time in patients formed the study group 352,4±18,6 seconds after the introduction of additional synthetic antithrombin-III under artificial circulation it reached 535±77 s.

We recommend using empirical synthetic antithrombin-III cardiac patients with AСT less than 400 seconds for the exclusion of intraoperative complications such as thrombosis.


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How to Cite
Dehtiar V, Boichenko O, Zhovnir V, Chanhli N. The first experience of using synthetic Antithrombin-III (Athenativ) in cardiosurgical practice. ujcvs [Internet]. 2017Dec.4 [cited 2025Mar.9];(3 (29):100-2. Available from: